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The Only Real Software KVM!

  • Keyboard/Mouse Sharing via Bluetooth

    across makes a Bluetooth-equipped PC or Mac work as a standard Bluetooth keyboard/ mouse combo. Thus, you can seamlessly and wirelessly control all your smart devices including computer, smartphone and tablet PC with the computer's keyboard and mouse.

  • Multimedia Control

    Multimedia keys (e.g., Volume up/down, Mute, and etc.) on your keyboard work on a client device as well. Moreover, across helps you easily send multimedia keys to a client device.

  • Textcopy between devices

    When across Client runs on a client device, you can copy text from one device and then paste it on other devices in the same manner as when you copy text on a device.

  • Keyboard/Mouse Sharing via Network

    across can share keyboard/mouse via wired/wireless network and you can choose your preferred input channel between Bluetooth and network. If you are using a high resolution mouse or want to use Mac trackpad gestures in a client Mac, you would prefer network for input channel.

  • File Sharing

    across has its own blazing fast fileserver enables you to share folders with partner computers. The shared folders are automatically mapped with a network drive in the native file-app of each OS. You can easily manage all files on your computers in the same manner as you do in a single computer.

  • Clipboard Sync

    across can synchronize Clipboard data with partner computers. If you want to copy texts, image or files/folders between computers, just copy and paste them wherever you want. Moreover, for files/folders copy, you can use Drag-and-Drop between computers as well.

  • Remote Desktop

    across enables you to open a RDP session of your client computers running the RDP server by one-click. You can control the client computer, synchronize Clipboard data and copy files/folders between computers easily using Copy-and-Paste/Drag-and-Drop as if two computers were one.

  • Multimedia Control

    across enables iOS/iPadOS/macOS/android Screen Mirroring on across Server computer. Furthermore, you can remotely control the client device in the Mirroring Screen with
    across Server computer's keyboard/mouse much like Windows Remote Desktop.


Interface Function Summary Remarks Supporting Models
Bluetooth Keyboard/Mouse Sharing Keyboard/Mouse Sharing with Bluetooth HID Emulation all models – Pro/ T2/T1/Basic
Multimedia keys Input Comfortable Multimedia Control with the Multimedia keys on Keyboard or the Multimedia-Key Input window
Clipboard Text Sync Clipboard Text up to 1023 bytes synchronized between devices across Client on client device needed
Wired/Wireless Network Keyboard/Mouse Sharing High-resolution Mouse or Mac Trackpad Gestures supported Between computers only
Easy File Copy & Manage Every files on all computers can be managed as if they were managed in a single computer. For example, you can copy files/directories between computers using Copy in a computer and Paste in other computer, or simply Drag-and-Drop between computers
Clipboard Data Sync Supported Clipboard Data Type: text, HTML(Microsoft Office Clipboard Format), RTF, image

Will be added

Remote Desktop (RDP) Client

RDP Session open of a client Windows/Linux computer
Wireless Network iOS/iPadOS/macOS/android Screen Mirroring iOS/iPadOS/macOS: Screen&Sound Mirroring – Airplay Mirroring
android: Screen-only Mirroring
Bluetooth Remote Control in the Mirroring Screen Remote Control in the Mirroring Screen with the across Server computer's keyboard/mouse
Wireless Network Mapping (Mounting) android Fileserver as a network drive (volume) in native File app All android user files can be manipulated in File-Explorer/Finder/
File-app as if they were in across Server computer


across Server iconacross Server across Client iconacross Client
Summary Main program running on a computer whose keyboard and mouse are used to control your client devices Helper program running on a client device; Even if it is not available in a client device (e.g., iOS, iPadOS), you can still control it with across Server's keyboard/mouse using the keyboard/mouse hotkey. In this case, only the two functions – mouse-dragging (Edge-Switch) and textcopy between devices – provided by across Client are not available.
OS Requirement
  • 32&64-bit Windows 10, 11, 7, 8(.1)
  • macOS 10.7 or later
  • x86(_64) Linux released since 2016
  • armv7/aarch64 Linux released since 2020
  • android 6.0.0 or later

across the Universe's 1st & Unique Product!


Super Easy to Set up and Use

Across Center on Windows Across Center on macOS Across Center on Linux
  • Simple is Art Simple, user-friendly and intuitive UX & UI design makes you easily set up and use across. across is implemented using each OS's native GUI toolkit and therefore looks native and comfortable on every platforms.
  • The Same Experience on PC & Mac across provides identical experience on Windows, macOS and Linux. Also, across is optimized for high-DPI (Retina) displays and gives crisp & clear looks on every displays.
  • 16-Language Localization English, español, dansk, Deutsch, français, italiano, Nederlands, norsk, português, svenska, Türkçe, русский, 한국어, 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語 supported.

Simultaneous Control of Multiple Client Devices

  • Pairable up to 6 client devices Pairing available for a maximum of six devices You can make Bluetooth pairing for a maximum of six client devices on an across Server computer.
  • Simultaneously controllable up to 4 client devices A maximum of four devices controllable simultaneously across allows you to simultaneously control a maximum of four client devices by assigning each device to a position of left/right/top/bottom around an across Server computer.
across Server Selection on a Client Device

Pairing with multiple across Servers on a client device

Your client device can be paired with multiple across Servers, and you can select one of them to use. For example, you can make your smartphone Bluetooth pairing with your home and office computer, and you can select one of them to use at home or office.

They can mimic our business, but none of them can
even come close to our state-of-the-art technology.

Your Bluetooth gadgets not affected

across does not affect your Bluetooth gadgets (e.g., headset, speaker, keyboard, mouse, and etc.) that you are already using. You can use any Bluetooth gadgets without worrying about a con?ict.

Natural and stable experience

across uses negligible computing resources including CPU time and memory, and therefore works naturally as if your computer's keyboard and mouse were connected directly to your client devices. Ctrl+Alt+Del, Login/Lock Screen, UAC, Fast User Switch, Input-lag, VPN, Autostart, …?
No problems.

Any type of keyboard and
mouse supported

Your computer's keyboard and mouse can be any type of wire (USB/PS2) or wireless (Bluetooth/RF). And your keyboard can be any country keyboard.

Multi-monitors supported

across completely supports multi-monitor environment. It does not matter how many monitors your computer has are or whether they are 4K,5K or general. Monitor Hot-plugin/-plugout, Resolution Change?
No problems.

Perfectly Secure, Extremely High-Speed, Easy to
Set up, Rock-solidly Stable – Network Operations

Perfectly secure network environment through Bluetooth communication between across Server & Clients

  • across Server and Clients register each other in whitelist and then other computers not listed in whitelist are not allowed to connect; No need to use Firewall S/W to secure connections
  • All network data is encrypted by TLS
  • Dynamic generation of TLS certificates rather than static one
  • Automatically configures Windows Firewall with the most secure settings
  • uses only one user configurable TCP port; The default port number is random
  • Automatically detects changes of network environment and set up accordingly network connections through Bluetooth
  • supports IPv4 & IPv6; across IPv6 only uses link-local address which is not routable. It means across IPv6 network traffic cannot be routed outside your local network and therefore much secure.
  • High-speed network communication implemented by modern network programming

Just copy and paste file/data between computers

  • across has its own blazing fast fileserver enables you to share folders with partner computers. You do not need any other settings or apps such as SMB for file-sharing.
  • User shared folders configured in across are automatically & natively mapped (mounted) as a network drive (volume) in File-Explorer/Finder/ File-app of a partner computer; You can browse shared folders by opening the mapped (mounted) drive (volume) in there.
  • Just copy files/folders in shared folders in one computer and then paste them wherever you want in other computers, or simply drag-and-drop them.
  • Direct file/data copy by peer-to-peer connection is much faster than via an intermediate Cloud server (OneDrive/iCloud/Google Drive).

Nothing's gonna change my world~♪         

              across makes your world bigger!