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8 Configuration for Network Connection

8.1 Network Settings in across Server

All network settings are so intuitive and you can understand them easily.

8.2 Network Settings in across Client

All network settings are so intuitive and you can understand them easily.

8.3 Network Connections Status

You can check network connections status like in the below pictures.

8.4 Network Drive (Volume) Mapping (Mounting)

When network connections with a partner computer are made, across trys to map (mount) a network drive (volume) of the partner computer. You can see the network drive (volume) in File-Explorer/Finder/File-app like the below picture.

Note1: In macOS, the mounted volume name starts with "across" and is followed by some digits of hexadeciamal number.

Note2: In Linux, the mount point is /mnt/acrossfs/.

In this example, across mapped two network drives; One for each client respectively